Worthington Design | The Union Street Residence is almost done - Worthington Design

The Union Street Residence is almost done

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Our Union Street project is finally coming together.  Hopefully it should be done in July sometime.  It has been a year-long process with a lot of blood, sweat and tears,

Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

Tumeur du foie : pronostic en fonction du stade, du grade et du risque

but we think it is going to turn out great.  We have had some great collaborators on this project like Tony from Urban Lab Design doing all the intricate steel work, Anna Kondolf Lighting Design helping us with a thoughtful lighting plan, David Potenza of EP

a pharmacie de mes rêves en france au centre de paris

a pharmacie de mes rêves en france au centre de paris

Architectural Builders doing some beautiful work on the wood and stainless steel cabinetry, and Mark Bullwinkle, the steel artist, who has been doing custom radiator screens and light fixtures.  This project has been like putting together a jewel box with some very delicate details.  Look for some more updated photos here soon.